GLR State Days for 2022
Ohio State Day 2022
The Town & Country Chapter of Great Lakes Region of EGA is hosting Ohio State Day on Saturday, June 4, 2022. KIM SANDERS, an EGA Certified Teacher and Master Craftsman from North Carolina will be doing a one-day stitching workshop called ILLUMINATED HUSWIFE, covering crewel embroidery, bead embroidery and other embroidery stitches.
The workshop will be from 9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m. EDT on Saturday at the Portage Lakes Kiwanis Civic Center in Akron, Ohio.
Sunday is a "stitch-in" to allow everyone to continue stitching on the project - no teaching by the instructor will occur. Lunch on Sunday is an additional $11.
Further details and a picture of the project are in the link for the registration form.