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Great Lakes Region

The Embroiderers' Guild of America

Serving EGA Chapters in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and parts of Illinois, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia

Region News & Announcements

The local chapters within the Great Lakes Region sponsor a variety of events. Be sure to check the Chapters menu for links to information about each of the GLR Chapters, and the Calendar for upcoming events near you!

Latest Updates

The Indianapolis Chapter is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Read more about their chapter at this link

GLR is pleased to announce that Kathie Zwettler of the Madison Area Chapter (WI) is the 2024 Gold Thread Winner for GLR. The annual awards recognize outstanding individuals who have given freely of their time and talents, and best exemplify EGA's purpose. A total of 12 individuals may be acknowledged - one of each region, with a national recipient selected from among the region recipients and announced at our National Seminar.

Members are nominated by other members of EGA by the completion of a nomination form that is submitted to EGA headquarters by May 1. A copy of the current nomination form can be found here.

The latest Chapter Officers list and June-July 2024 Newsletter are now available. These and other documents are posted on the Newsletters and Documents page.

The Group Correspondence Courses sponsored by GLR for 2025 are now listed. Be sure to check out these educational opportunities!

State Days

Local chapters, in cooperation with their State Liasons, may host a State Day, which is a special one or two day workshop in their state. Check out the State Days menu for information about upcoming State Days.

More detailed information can be found under the Seminars & Meetings menu. The Past Events menu has information and photos from previous seminars, meetings and State Day events!

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Copyright © 1999–2024 – Great Lakes Region of The Embroiderers' Guild of America, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

This page was last updated on July 6, 2023
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