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Great Lakes Region

The Embroiderers' Guild of America

Serving EGA Chapters in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and parts of Illinois, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia

Calendar of Upcoming Events

01/19/25The RSN Collection and Stitchbank
Hours are 2:00 PM Eastern / 1:00 PM Central
By Dr. Isabella Rosner
This is a Zoom lecture & registration will begin at the end of December 2024.
03/30/25How to Stitch the Bayeaux Tapestry
Hours are 2:00 PM Eastern / 1:00 PM Central
A lecture by Dr. Alexandra Makin.

Registration will begin mid-March 2025
This will be a Zoom lecture. Details will be sent out in the month the lecture occurs to all GLR members.
GLR 2025 Friends 'N Stitches Spring Retreat
The Three Rivers Chapter from Pittsburgh will be hosting the Great Lakes Region members and cordially invites everyone to the Kent State University Hotel & Conference Center the weekend of Friday, May 2 through Sunday, May 4, 2025 in Kent, Ohio.
Here's a link to the brochure.
And here's a link to the mail-in registration form. Online registration is preferred.
05/18/25Goldwork in Early Medieval English Textiles
Hours are 2:00 PM Eastern / 1:00 PM Central
Dr. Gale Owen-Crocker will give this lecture.
This will be a Zoom lecture. Registration will begin in late April 2025.
07/27/25British Embroidery Education
Hours are 2:00 PM Eastern / 1:00 PM Central
Dr. Tracy Franklin will give a Zoom lecture on "British Embroidery Education".
Registration will begin the week after the 4th of July.
10/12/25The Very Essence and Soul of Beautiful Embroidery
Hours are 2:00 PM Eastern / 1:00 PM Central
Lecture by Dr. Lynn Hulse - "The Very Essence and Soul of Beautiful Embroidery: May Morris's Needlework Designs in the Ashmolean Collection"
Registration for this Zoom lecture will begin in late September
11/23/25The Well-Traveled Embroidery Motif: Trees, Birds, Stars, & ?
Hours are 2:00 PM Eastern / 1:00 PM Central
Lecture by Laurie Kelly on "The Well-Traveled Embroidery Motif: Trees, Birds, Stars, & Fruit"
Zoom Registration will begin in early November
The ABC's of Stitching
The Great Lakes Region of the Embroiderers' Guild of America invites you to join us for our"Seminar at Sea" cruise.
An 8-day Carnival cruise to explore the beautiful Caribbean, with stops in Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao!!

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Copyright © 1999–2024 – Great Lakes Region of The Embroiderers' Guild of America, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

This page was last updated on July 28, 2023
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