Grosse Ile, Michigan - Monguagon Chapter
General Chapter Information
Our chapter was founded in 1972. We currently have approximately 45 members and are always happy to welcome new comers. It is very exciting to share our love of embroidery with others who have the same interest. We are all about learning together and are a very active group. Those wishing to learn about our chapter and what EGA is all about are welcome to visit one of our regular meetings. Visitors may attend up to two meetings before they join.
Meeting Times and Information |
Grosse Ile Presybterian Church Location: 7925 Horsemill Road, Grosse Ile, MI, 48138 Meetings are every 1st Mon, 10:00am (except July, August & December) Meetings are 2nd Monday when 1st is a holiday. |
If you would like a copy of our latest newsletter E-mailed to you (Adobe PDF Format), please contact Sherry Whitehead at
Contact Information
For general inquiries, please contact an individual with a beside their name.
President: Wendy Moore
Membership: Cathy Bradfield