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Great Lakes Region

The Embroiderers' Guild of America

Serving EGA Chapters in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and parts of Illinois, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia

Outreach Programs

Every year, EGA Chapters throughout the country participate in Outreach Programs. Some programs are designed to support people in need. A variety of charities benefit from these programs. Other programs promote the needle arts in the local community. These programs help provide basic instruction and to grow our membership.

Each GLR chapter's outreach chair should send their reports to the Great Lakes Region Chairman. Forms are available on our Release Forms page to make this easier.

Newsletter editors should remember to include the current GLR Outreach Chair on their e-mail list.

GLR Outreach Chair
Sue Martin

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Copyright © 1999–2024 – Great Lakes Region of The Embroiderers' Guild of America, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

This page was last updated on April 1, 2023
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